Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My latest obsession!

Sacramento has recently opened its first Pinkberry! Formerly, this frozen-yogurt treat could only be found in LA or NY. So I was excited when it opened here. I have been twice in the last week and I have to say it is worth the hype. I'm vowing to go again sometime this week to partake of its yogurty goodness. In fact it has been occupying every spare thought that I have had and I keep devising ways to ditch the kids and go. I know, sounds terrible but I really dont want to share. So here is to hoping for a chance to go get some more!


Timothy and Nicole said...

Sounds delicious! We have a fake pinkberry in folsom nuyo. Oh so YUMMY! I am sure there's nothing like the real thing.

Kaity said...

there's one in dallas that i guess i'll have to try now.

Bentley +1 said...


Trent and Amber said...

ooh, haven't been, excited to try now though! :)