Monday, October 08, 2012

I had a birthday!

As you all know by now, I had a pretty big birthday in August. I turned 30! It was great. I had a roaring 20's themed party and held it on the last night of my 20's.Here are a few of the pictures.
This is my friend Farrah. I swear we didn't coordinate our outfits

I held the party at my moms house
 My friends the Nickels
 Jan, another friend and RN
My BFF Britt
Me and the hubby...He hated that I made him dress up.
There was gambling (no real money of course!)

Some of the decor.

This chandelier was a Pintrest idea that was successful. A hula hoop wrapped in lace and Christmas lights, then hung.
I needed a cake for every case you were wondering
I found this food vendor that makes ice-cream in really amazing flavors. She packages them in push up pops and pedals them out of her bicycle. Her business is called Popcycle. This one here is goat cheese and cherry.

 Some of the girls...there were guys there too. I just didn't take very many pictures of them. I decorated with the help of my family, and I catered the whole dinner,( I didn't photograph the food) I figured I wanted to enjoy the party. My little brother provided the Jazz play list for the music. Overall it was a blast.
My sister in law made her dress for the party. She made the suspenders and bow ties for her two boys , my brother and my cousin.That's my mom there of course. She was a great host and worked very hard to get the yard into shape for the party.
I had fake eyelashes on. I think I should dress like this all the time!