Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Latest.

So March has flown by with incerdible speed. And aprt from getting yet another cold we have been way too busy having fun!
First: Someone was in need of a haircut

Then there was a baby playdate

And several park playdates

We also had a fun Easter Egg hunt at Pottery Barn Kids!

Anyways...its been a blast and now mommy is entirely tuckered out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eight Months!

I can't believe eight months have flown by. This little dude is amazing. He crawls he stands he walks by holding onto tables chairs, anything.  I only have one fear, and that is that he will be walking alone by nnine months.He is very busy and keeps me on my toes. He has two teeth and four more coming in. He eats everything we give him and is a very social little dude. We only wish he would stay a baby longer.