Sunday, September 11, 2011

Things I forgot to blog about part 2

My birthday!!!! 29.... one more year to go until Tim and I turn 30. Wow...

OK Things I want to do before I'm 30

1. Sing in a band...(only for like a minute) I think I would die of stage fright. So if you know someone I could practice with, let me know.

2. Go camping.  (done, post to follow)

3. Write a book of poetry (I'm thinking it will be based on my experience with motherhood)

4. Read War and Peace. I have never read it. I'm daunted by Russian literature

5. Organize, style and shoot a themed engagement session. I'm thinking Breakfast at Tiffany's

6. Start a food blog. I already have a name, The Borrowed Recipe, and a web address. Now if I only had the energy to post something to it.
I think I will start with those  things...If i finish another one of those soon i will have to add more

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