Sunday, December 05, 2010

November re-cap

I have to say that November was a blast! We did so many fun things that I just want to remember and didn't have the time to blog about before. So I will start with  the oldest event and work my way forward.

November 11, 2010.
Brandon Flowers solo tour ( lead singer of my favorite band The Killers) in Oakland CA
If I had done an individual post about this night I would have called it "Girl at the Rock Show" or..."an ode to Brandon Flowers"

I took all of the photos with my cell phone. I wanted to bring my camera but Adrian said it probably wouldn't be allowed in the theatre.
 For anyone who doesn't know...I LOVE the Killers and Brandon Flowers. I listen to thier albums all the time. Adrian would say I was obsessed with them. He's not wrong. There is something with the music that I connect to. Brandon Flowers is LDS. I can hear his spirtuality in his lyrics, it comes across in his lyrics. It's not obvious. But I can sense it. It's poetry of the kind I like.
 Also, there is something about being at a live show. It's awesome. I can't explain how hearing the music live, and feeling it all around you, makes me feel. Maybe its because I fell in Love with Adrian at a live show. It wasn't the Killers, it was at a small club called Slim's in San Francisco.I don't rember the bands we were there to see, I didn't like them. I did however like Adrian and there was no going back from there.

 And now that everyone thinks I'm ridiculous...

We had an amazing time...I've seen the Killers in San Francsico, Memorial Auditorium in Sacramento, Arco Arena, also in Sacramento, and Now Mr. Flowers in Oakland. And besides the show at the memorial Auditorium, this last one was my favorite.

November 18, 2010
Yo Gabba Gabba Live
We Love, Yo Gabba Gabba, if anyone is familiar with a little band known as The Aquabats, they are the creators of this kids show. Lily LOVES this show. So when we heard the Live show was coming to town we bought tickets. we left Ryan at home and we took the little princess. It was a blast!!! We would definitely see that again.

We also discoverd that her favorite  character is Foofa. We had no idea. So she got her first concert t-shirt. Hopefully the first of many.

Saturday November 20, 2010
Nordstrom's Fall Fashion Show

Lily and Addie trying on dresses. This is what they were trying on when they were invited to the show.
While shopping with Grandma, Uncle Tim, and cousin Addie for Christmas dresses, the girls were invited to participate in the Fall Fashion show.

On the morning of the show, Lily was so excited! She could hardly wait to get dressed and go to the fashion show. Lily and addie were supposed to walk out together.

The Runway...waiting for the girls

Addie came out, Lily ( much to the un-suprise of Adrian and myself) did not and would not come out.
 I guess what I'm saying is that Lily does not appear to have a future in modeling. I didn't even take one picture of her all dressed up.

Thanksgiving, November 25, 2010
And Last but not least Turkey Day. I wanted to show a few picyures of the day. It was a tradtional day at my grandmas. It was mostly uneventful excpt that the candles dropped a flame and lit the table on fire. Here are a few pictures of the table pre-fire. I didnt take any of the after.
My mom sets a gorgeous table

So pretty!
And here is a cute one of my girl cousins and my little brother and myself

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