Friday, June 29, 2012

A Walk in the Park

I want you to meet a few of the nicest people I know. Ginni and Dante. I know Ginni through work.  She is one of the most kind, sweetest and lovely people I know. I was honored when she asked me to do portriats of her and her charming husband Dante.

It was a beautiful evening on the American River, the animals thought so too. We saw a family of skunks, a flock of turkeys, a herd of dear, fuzzy caterpillars, and.... a rather large rattlesnake. Oh My!

 Ginni says she never takes a good photo. Well I don't believe it!

Dante, Ginni always says the most wonderful things about you. :)
You guys are perfect together. Enjoy all the time you have together. I will see you soon! And I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at my big 3-0 birthday!

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