Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pre Christmas happenings

The annual hunt for the Christmas tree

 This last Sunday my mom, grandma, myself, and Lily all went to our city's Ballet of the Nutcracker

it was amazing, gorgeous and most of all it was a blast watching Lily clap at the end of each Act. 

The four generations

After the show we went toa real "tea-party" It was a fundraiser for the ballet's outreach program. Lily was dancing in the hall waiting for the tea to start.

Meeting the "stars" "Clara" and her bother and me with a peppermint girl.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Pictures

 Yesterday went to the temple with two other families for a mass portrait session. They took our pictures and we did theirs. Here is a  little preview of my favorites. Some of these were took by me and the rest were taken by friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just because...

I should really update my blog...it's been two months. THese are from the park yesterday... Lily turned 4 November 1st. I swear I will put pictures up.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Things I forgot to blog about part 2

My birthday!!!! 29.... one more year to go until Tim and I turn 30. Wow...

OK Things I want to do before I'm 30

1. Sing in a band...(only for like a minute) I think I would die of stage fright. So if you know someone I could practice with, let me know.

2. Go camping.  (done, post to follow)

3. Write a book of poetry (I'm thinking it will be based on my experience with motherhood)

4. Read War and Peace. I have never read it. I'm daunted by Russian literature

5. Organize, style and shoot a themed engagement session. I'm thinking Breakfast at Tiffany's

6. Start a food blog. I already have a name, The Borrowed Recipe, and a web address. Now if I only had the energy to post something to it.
I think I will start with those  things...If i finish another one of those soon i will have to add more

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Things I forgot to Blog about... Part 1

Yosemite...back in the late spring we went o Yosemite...it was AMAZING! You should go too.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of School

Today my little girl went to Preschool. I'm a little sad...but I know thats normal.

She was so excited to get to school!

We hugged her and brought her in.....

And then we got the sad face...

But when I picked her up at noon she was all smiles! Next up on Lily's bucket list? Driving. I think we are in trouble.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Temple Stop

Today as we were driving around...after leaving Lily's doctor for her PRESCHOOL physical, (Yes I said PRESCHOOL! No I can't believe it,) Lily said Let's go to the temple. With better things to do I said No...not today. Then she cried and I said OK. So we went.
   Luckily I had my camera with me and grabbed a few shots

Have any of you ever tried to capture a two year old on camera? Yes? See here how well I did.

While we were snapping pictures, a cute couple celebrating their anniversary wanted me to take their picture with their camera. So i did.
Warning: I'm posting a picture of strangers. if you ever see me with a camera. I will take your picture and even send you a copy.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Have I mentioned

that I Love my girl. She is a little bit silly, a little bit sweet, a little bit of attitude, a little bit stubborn (kinda like her Dad), and she tells the most imaginative made up stories that I ever heard in my life! My brothers say she is weird like me. I kinda hope so ;)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Little Dude turned 2 today ! Here are a few shots of all the excitement. Don't worry...none of these photos are professional.

In the Mickey t-shirts for his "Mickey" Party

It was a good old fashioned backyard pool/water party

complete with an awesome water slide

Did I mention water balloons?

Git 'em Devon!

I Love Baskin Robbins!

He had to get into this right away. I'm already imagining him going to basketball camp.

It was an Awesome day! Thanks to everyone who came!