Friday, November 20, 2009

Here Comes Santa Clause?

I know Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet. But, in my defense, there was no line at the mall. Lily wouldn't sit with Santa by herself. So Mommy had to join in the shot. So give three cheers to the Holidays because they are approaching fast!

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Ryans Blessing Day! / Lily's Birthday

So Sunday Nov.1 was Lily's 2nd birthday and also it was fast sunday so we had Ryan's baby blessing as well. I figured Two birds with one stone. It was really busy with Halloween being the night before.

I can't believe we got a nice family shot!

He's a thinker. I can tell, or maybe this is a "I'm a ladies man" pose.

I decided to make cupcakes this year. And Lily also smiled this year instead of crying when everyone sang Happy Birthday.

We got her a Kitchen for her birthday. Now she spends all day "cooking" and making soup and cupcakes!

Halloween at the Trunk-or-Treat!

I didn't take Lily door to door this year. Our wards Trunk-orTreat was on Halloween so we just went there. But she quickly figured out people were giving her free candy an excitedly ran from car to car.

Lily was a White Tiger.

And Ryan was a lion.

The Pumpkin Patch

I know its been a while but ever since I went back to work we have been super busy! SO here are a few pictures of when we went to the pumpkin patch, sometime around the beginning of October, and Halloween night at the trunk-or-treat.

Uncle Scott, and Aunt Waldina agreed to come with me because Adrian had to work!

On the Hay ride to the pumpkin field!

I found one mommy!

The small one is the one we finaly came home with. Uncle Scott took home the other.When asked if Lily had anymore fun this year than last year I replied "No." To view last years photos click here.